Small Basic For Kids - Second Edition - Single User - PDF E-Book By Ed H Carlson and Philip Conrod and Lou Tylee

SMALL BASIC FOR KIDS is an illustrated introduction to computer programming that provides an interactive, parent/teacher facilitated tutorial to the new Microsoft Small Basic programming environment. The book consists of 30 short lessons that explain how to create and run a Small Basic program. Students learn about program design and many elements of the Small Basic language. Numerous examples are used to demonstrate every step in the building process. The tutorial also includes two complete games for students to build and try - a text-based Hangman game and a simple Pizza Zapper video game.

SMALL BASIC FOR KIDS is based a series of programming books published in the 1980s aimed at teaching kids how to use the Basic programming language. Titles like "Kids and the Apple II," "Kids and the Commodore 64," and "Kids and the IBM-PC" were sold everywhere. These books sold over 700,000 copies! With permission and editorial help from the original author, Dr. Edward H. Carlson, we have adapted this classic programming book to the new Microsoft Small Basic language - a language aimed at encouraging kids to learn programming.

SMALL BASIC FOR KIDS should be understandable to kids aged 8+ and is suitable for both home and classroom use. Notes for both the instructor or parent and the students are provided. Assignments are given to test student knowledge. No programming experience is necessary, but familiarity with doing common tasks using Windows is expected.

SMALL BASIC FOR KIDS requires a Microsoft Windows operating system and Microsoft Small Basic 1.0 or higher which is free from the Microsoft Small Basic website.


"This edition of “Small Basic For Kids” by Carlson / Conrod/ Tylee is particularly valuable because it draws on Carlson's standard work of basic programming “Kids and the IBM PC/PCJR” from the beginning of the digital age. I had a lot of fun with this reading. Educators can also read this book with great profit if they are interested in this programming language as part of computer teaching. " - Gregor Burghardt, Teacher, Germany


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