Beginning Unreal Game Engine 4 RPG Blueprint Game Design & Development ​Template For High School, Technical Schools & Colleges - Annually Renewable Unlimited User Classroom License (Beta )

Beginning Unreal Engine 4 RPG Blueprint Game Design & Development ​Template

So, you want to build your own RPG Game using the Unreal Game Engine 4? Our RPG Blueprints Template is a great way to learn how to build your own RPG Game. It comes with a pre-built stylistic dungeon (containing more than 35 individual assets). It uses highly modular assets which makes creating ​ your own RPG an easy task! It is completely done in Unreal Blueprints and it includes an introduction to some standard RPG features you would expect from a beginning RPG Blueprint template. Click here to see the specific RPG Blueprint elements provided.

Beginning (RPG) Role Playing Game Template Features:

 – UI / HUD System: Completely done in UMG.

 – Inventory System: Including looting system & different types of items like weapons, armor and items.

 – Character Stats: Set up attributes like strength, agility etc. Includes a XP-system with level ups.

 – Class system: Including a Main Menu / Starting Screen where you can select different classes/characters.

 – Animations: The system comes with a set of medieval animations for sword/shield combat.

 ​​​​- Enemies: Two different enemies (melee & ranged caster). Driven by configurable behavior trees.

Includes Several 3D Medieval Character Models:

Character Selector Screen:

3D Dungeon Level:

Explore Multiple Rooms Using our Demo Level:

Cool Lighting Effects:

Use our 3D Character Models with the RPG Template:

How to Use the RPG Blueprints Template:

The Unreal Game Engine 4 RPG Game Design & Development Blueprint Template is an ideal starting point for creating your very own RPG game. While you can import all the Blueprints and content to another project it is recommended creating a new project from the Unreal Game Engine 4 RPG Game Design & Development Blueprint Template and using it as a base for your own project. This project is just an RPG template at this time and not a tutorial on how to build an RPG game.


Before you Get Started

The Unreal Game Engine 4 RPG Game Design & Development Blueprint Template uses a lot of Blueprints to implement the given system. If you have no prior experience with the Blueprint system, it is not recommended that you get started with it right away. Epic has quite a lot of tutorials which will teach you a lot of the basics. This documentation assumes that you have at least a basic knowledge about Blueprints.  If you are completely new to the UE4 Engine and haven’t used it at all, you should start here: Get Started with UE4 .  This template assumes that you are using the 4.18 - 4.27 version of the Unreal Game Engine 4 with our RPG Game Design & Development Blueprint Template.

Blueprints Overview:

This section gives a quick overview over all the Blueprints that come with the Unreal Game Engine 4 RPG Game Design & Development Blueprint Template. Start here to learn more about how to use Unreal 4 Blueprints.

Character Blueprints

Inside “Blueprints/Characters” there are a few different Blueprints which provide different functionality. The Blueprints inside the “Blueprints/Characters/AI” are covered in the “AI/Enemy Blueprints” section below. 

RPGPlayerController:  The PlayerController for the main player character.

AI / Enemy Blueprints

The Blueprints inside the “Blueprints/Characters/AI” are the ones who drive all NPCs in the game regardless of being an ally or an enemy to the player.

RPG Blueprint Classes:

BPI_Enemy The Blueprint Interface for the enemy. It makes sure that every enemy implements the most needed functionality, e.g. like a TakeDamage function.

BPI_EnemyController - This Blueprint Interface is used for communication between NPCs. The StandardEnemy has the ability to alert other enemies if he has spotted a target or has heard something. This Blueprint Interface is used to find all nearby enemies and alert them.

BTDecorator_ and BTTask_ - These are custom Decorators and Tasks for the Enemy Behaviour Trees.

EnemyController - The controller for the enemy. Both the melee and the ranged enemy use the same controller as they share almost the same functionality. Their different behavior results in a different configuration. The controller implements the Behavior Tree which is using a set of custom Decorators and Tasks.

QuestGiver - The QuestGiver is a friendly NPC. It shows an example of how to use the Quest- and the Dialogue System.RangedEnemyThe Ranged Enemy. It uses the EnemyController (as AIController) and a Behavior Tree to implement basic AI behavior.

StandardEnemy - The Standard Melee Enemy. It uses the EnemyController (as AIController) and a Behavior Tree to implement basic AI behaviour.

Gameplay Blueprints - Class Explanations

AdvancedCamera - The advanced camera has some extra functionality added. It is based on the standard camera.

BP_GameModeStandard &  BP_MainMenuGameMode -

As the name suggests these two Game Modes are used to differentiate between the actual Gameplay

(BP_GameModeStandard) and the menu mode (BP_MainMenuGameMode).

BP_QuestComponent - This is a custom component which can be added to a Pawn to enable the stat system for that Pawn. The RPGCharacter implements this component to showcase how it can be used.

BP_StatsComponent - Much like the QuestComponent the StatsComponent is a custom-built component. It implements the functionality for a Pawn to use stats. The RPGCharacter showcases how to use this system. The RPGCharacter implements stats like Strength, Agility, Intelligence through this system. The StatsComponent is only used for

the management of these values. The visual representation is handled through a UMG widget.

BPS_SingleStatThe Stat - Component consists of a variable number of SingleStat objects. Each SingleStat comes with a name and a value

Item System Blueprints & Class Explanations

ActionInterface - This interface is used so that the player can interact with an item. It is used to picked up an item, but this could also be used to trigger special events or implement any kind of custom behavior.

BPI_Trigger - This interface is used to let the player know that he can interact with an item (e.g. displaying its name or a pickup message)

InventoryStruct -The inventory struct defines what information is stored for an item. At the moment these are the actor (for mesh representation), the item image, the item name and the item type.

Item - Main class for items.

Item_Weapon - Subclass of item with custom behavior for weapons.

ItemType - The items are divided into different categories. E.g. there is made a differentiation between items that the player can equip (weapons, armor) or items that can be consumed (e.g. healing potion).

UMG Blueprints & Blueprint Class Explanations: CharacterSelection - The CharacterSelection Blueprint is used in conjunction with the main menu. It contains the overlaying info and the buttons to choose from different character classes. Like the main menu it is not activated by default. To enable it, have a look at the level blueprint. There is a comment on how to enable the main menu and the character selection menu. The character selection screen uses a separate scene which is loaded via level streaming. After the player selects a character the scene is discarded.

CharacterStatsBox - The CharacterStatsBox is a sample that shows how to make us of the stats system. It displays the stats that are setup and saved in the RPGCharacter.

Dialouge - The dialogue is responsible for displaying the dialogue between the player and a NPC. It includes a

“PlayerChoiceButton” (see below) to give the player multiple options to choose from.

Inventory - The inventory blueprint displays the items the player currently has, the CharacterStatsBox (for stats like strength, etc.) and a player model with equipment slots to visualize the currently equipped items.

LostScreen - The LostScreen widget simply displays the “You are dead” message and a button to restart the whole game.

MainMenu - The MainMenu displays various buttons to begin a game, exit the game. It handles the transition to the

CharacterSelection screen.

PickupText - The pickup text is used to indicate that the player can pick up an item and displays the name of the item.

PlayerChoiceButton - The PlayerChoiceButton is part of the Dialogue System. It includes one or more button to give the player various options in the dialouge.

PlayerHUD -The PlayerHUD displays everything that is permanently displayed on the screen. It is responsible to display the players health and mana bar.


The Unreal Game Engine 4 RPG Game Design & Development Blueprint Template comes with a set of animations that are used by the RPGCharacter, the NPCs and the enemy skeletons. You can find all the animations in the subfolder “Animations”.

Attack Animation and Combos

There are two attack animations which are used by the combo system of the RPGCharacter. The animations have matching frames. This means that the first frame of the first attack animation matches with the first frame of the idle animation. The last frame matches with the first frame of the second attack animation. The last frame of the second attack animation matches with the first frame of the idle animation. That way a smooth transition between the attack/idle and between the two attack animations (for a combo) is possible without the need of animation blending.

The Animation Graph for the RPGCharacter comes with some comments and demonstrates how such a system can be setup. The Animation Graph itself isn’t very complex. Almost all of the logic for the combo system is included in the RPGCharacter. The Animation Graph is using Animation Notifies (which are setup in the animations itself) to let the RPGCharacter know when a certain position in the current animation is reached (e.g. end of a swing).

Extending the Unreal Game Engine 4 RPG Game Design & Development Blueprint Template:

The Unreal Game Engine 4 RPG Game Design & Development Blueprint Template is built in a modular fashion to make it easier to extend the systems. This chapter discusses a few possibilities on how to extend the system.

Adding new Actor Components

Actor components can simply be added to any actor. This makes it easy to add additional functionality which is being by different actors. E.g. adding a system that displays the damage taken in a fight above the head of the actor. All logic should be handled in this component. That way it is easy to add this to the existing characters like the RPGCharacter and the Ranged/Standard Enemy. If the new component just needs a single function to be called (e.g. something like “DisplayDamageTaken” ) this could just be called in the TakeDamage function. Following this scheme, a lot of new functionality can be added.

Modify existing classes

If you want to modify existing classes to add or change some functionality it is always recommend to create a child class and add/edit anything in here. That way you can still make use of updates to the Unreal Game Engine 4 RPG Game Design & Development Blueprint Template. However, if you overwrite existing classes, you either lose your changes to that class when updating or you will not be able to apply any updates. To add additional functionality for a class, e.g., the RPGCharacter, create a child of that blueprint. Open up the child class and now you will be able to overwrite all the functions that exist in the parent class.

Adding your own content

Adding your own content is easy. The Unreal Game Engine 4 RPG Game Design & Development Blueprint Template uses the guidelines provided by Epic. That way there shouldn’t be any circumstances that prevent you from adding your own content.

Adding new characters & animations

At the moment the Unreal Game Engine 4 RPG Game Design & Development Blueprint Template is using the pre 4.8 skeletons. If your own character is using the 4.8 rig you have to retarget the animations or use your own animations. For retargeting Epic provides a more detailed tutorial here. The same goes for custom animations that are added to the project. Switching out a character is quite simple. To switch out the character of the RPGCharacter just select a different mesh and a corresponding animation blueprint. If you do not want to create a new animation blueprint you can just retarget the currently existing animation blueprint. For further information about animation blueprints have a look at the Animation System Overview.

Adding new items

The easiest way is to just copy an existing item and adjust the necessary values. As an example, try copying the sword and open up the copy. Have a look at the default values like name, description and the mesh. For a weapon mesh to function properly there are a few requirements that need to be met. The origin of the FBX has to be set to the point where the weapon will be attached to the characters hand. Moreover, for the weapon trails to function correctly there are two sockets that need to be added to the mesh –   a start and an end point for the weapon trails. Have a look at the sword mesh to see a correct setup of these sockets.

Creating a new item type

Currently the items are organized into a few different categories: Weapon_1Handed, Weapon_2Handed, Armor_Shield, Armor_Helmet, Consumable. These items types are used to differentiate to do what an item upon use. E.g. a weapon gets attached to the character hand and the character can now attack. A helmet gets attached to the characters heads and so on.  If you want to create new item types, open up the Enum “ItemType” inside the “Blueprints/ItemSystem” folder. Here you can simply click the “New” button on the upper right corner. To make use of the newly added you will need to the edit the RPGCharacter blueprint. Inside the “EventGraph_Inventory” there is a custom event called “ItemUsed”. It includes a switch based on the ItemType. After adding a new item type you can now implement your custom logic here.

Hardware Requirements for the RPG Template:

Unreal Engine 4 running on Microsoft Windows. You can build for any OS (Operating System) or platform that you want based on Unreal Engine 4 limitations. You will also need a Discreet GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) with DX9 (DX is short for DirectX which is one way of displaying graphics) or DX11 with feature level 9.3 capabilities. We highly recommend a GeForce GTX 1050+ video card. You will also need 16GB of system memory and 50GB of free disk space. Most other requirements depend on the size and complexity of the game you want to make. Of course, the faster and bigger your development platform the better your development experience will be.  


This Unreal Engine Blueprints Template in an Annual Unlimited User Classroom License Teacher Edition. Our Teacher Edition allows you to distribute the Blueprints template and multimedia files to any of the students who attend your computer science class.  You can customize and personalize the template and the associated Blueprints to fit your unique teaching style whether the class is self-study or instructor led. 

We also sell special large scale multi-teacher site license agreements for School Districts and Online Schools. Please contact us directly if you are interested in a large-scale license agreement via the Contact Us tab above. These special large-scale licenses are not sold via this web page.

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