KIDware's STEM Science Fair for Windows 10/11 Visual C# WinForms Source Code Project

STEM SCIENCE FAIR presents ten real-world applications of physics and math. The applications and their associated Visual C# 2019 source code and multimedia files includes:

  • LEVERS teaches you about the three different lever types and forces required to balance them. 
  • PENDULUM studies basic oscillations – see effects of changing lengths, weight, and friction. Plots are given. 
  • WATER WHEEL demonstrates the exciting world of chaos. Examine wheel motion as different water flow rates are used. 
  • MOON LANDER gives practice in understanding concepts of speed and acceleration as you try to land on the moon. 
  • WEATHER WATCH provides tools that allow you to identify and predict trends in the weather.
  • CIRCUITS lets you to build electric circuits from batteries, switches, light bulbs. See effects of different circuit types, burned out bulbs, switch positions. 
  • ROBOTICS allows you to study the world of robots using a 2-dimensional, two-link robotic arm. 
  • TRAJECTORIES is a simulation of a flying object. The program introduces estimation and answer refinement skills. 
  • ROCKETRY is a demonstration of model rocket launches – vary thrust, burn time, and rocket mass. 
  • PROBABILITY introduces an exciting field of mathematics with problems in coin flipping, dice rolling, and dropping toothpicks!

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