BEGINNING JAVA - 11TH EDITION is a self-study or instructor led programming tutorial consisting of 10 chapters explaining (in simple, easy-to-follow terms) how to build a Java application. Students learn about project design, object-oriented programming, console applications, graphics applications and many elements of the Java language. Numerous examples are used to demonstrate every step in the building process. The tutorial also includes several detailed computer projects for students to build and try. These projects include a number guessing game, a card game, an allowance calculator, a state capitals game, Tic-Tac-Toe, a simple drawing program, and several non-violent video games. We have also included several college prep bonus projects including a loan calculator, portfolio manager, and a checkbook balancing application. This step-by-step tutorial is appropriate for beginning high school students and adults.
LEARN JAVA GUI APPLICATIONS - 11TH EDITION is a self-study and/or instructor led tutorial teaching the basics of building a Java application with a swing graphic user interface (GUI). LEARN JAVA GUI APPLICATIONS has 9 lessons covering object-oriented programming concepts, using the NetBeans integrated development environment to create and test Java projects, building and distributing GUI applications, understanding and using the Swing control library, exception handling, sequential file access, graphics, multimedia, advanced topics such as printing, and help system authoring.
PROGRAMMING GAMES WITH JAVA - 11TH EDITION explains (in simple, easy-to-follow terms) how to build a 2D Java GUI game project. Students learn about project design, the Java Swing controls, many elements of the Java language, and how to distribute finished projects. Game skills learned include handling multiple players, scoring, graphics, animation, and sounds.
JAVA HOMEWORK PROJECTS - 11TH EDITION teaches Java GUI (Graphical User Interface) Swing programming concepts and provides detailed step-by-step instructions in building many fun and useful projects. To grasp the concepts presented in JAVA HOMEWORK PROJECTS, you should possess a working knowledge of programming with Java and be acquainted with using the Swing control library. Our tutorial LEARN JAVA GUI APPLICATIONS​ can help you gain this needed exposure.
Oracle Java & NetBeans requires Microsoft Windows, macOS, or Ubuntu Linux. You will also need to download the 11th Edition of the Java Development Kit (JDK11) from Oracle's website. This tutorial also uses the 11th Edition of the Apache NetBeans IDE (Integrated Development Environment) which is available from Apache's website for building and testing Java applications.​